We've lost quite a few chickens since we started this whole chicken thing last August. We lost a bunch of chicks at the very beginning (I think they came sick) and then recently we lost some to hawks and had some disappear (maybe an eagle? maybe they got out and couldn't find their way home?)
So we got some more chicks and this time I wanted some variety, so we are trying light brahmas and Americaunas ( aka Easter Egg layers)
And the Black Australorps. Jason will have to be building another coop soon. Right now they're camped out in the duck house - maybe I'll tell you the story of our duck who thinks he's a rooster another day.
Things should be getting exciting here pretty soon. Bees next week and a cow and bull calf the next. And we've got radishes sprouting in the garden. Fun and crazy times!
I don't even know what to say to this! I hope the eggs are tasty!
I forgot you had ducks. Excited to hear about your adventures with the bees and cows. Hope the hawks stay away!
How cool! Can't wait to hear more!
Wow! Chickens, bees, and cow... you ARE a busy woman! We miss seeing you. I
I'm sure you've read The Tale of Jemmima Puddleduck by Beatrix Potter - you'd probably really enjoy it right now.
i've always wondered how easy it would be to keep track of chickens. do they have nests or a roost? or do they wander and find their own spots? my parents have to keep theirs in a wire/screen house because of coyotes.
oh, if i had read more carefully, i wouldve seen the line about the coop the first time... :)
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