We were so happy to be able to travel to Katherine and Greg's wedding. We had a great time. It really was a beautiful wedding.I hardly got any pictures of the bride and groom - it was a little chaotic with all of the kids and then there was the hail to deal with! But I loved this picture and the way he's looking at her!
Q: How many people does it take to orchestrate a picture of the Hunt grandchildren?
A: A lot!
2 days ago
Are we going to see a picture of you?
Love all the pictures. Your kids' pics are great! You are so talented. It was so fun seeing you guys! Love you!
That is a really cute picture of Katherine and Greg! I can't believe it's all over. What's next?
The picture of all the kids is so darling! Love the outfits!
Wow, I can't believe they all have matching outfits! (Or that it has been this long since I've read your blog! :) They look incredibly cute :)
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