I want to "simplify, simplify, simplify" but sometimes, like today, that means take-out pizza for dinner and I am positive that Thoreau wouldn't support me in that kind of simple living. But I have to find out what a simple life is for myself, be inspired by Thoreau, learn from his teachings and "live the life of my dreams." The key is to be aware of what my dreams are. What do I want from this life?
I want to have a connection to the earth and nature because I really do believe we can come closer to God when we are out feeling the sunshine or the rain on our skin and admiring the beauty of the mountains.
I want to "live deliberately." I want to think about my actions and their consequences and be consciously acting. Can I have simplicity and live a deliberate life? My life is full of distractions, how often am I isolating myself from those distractions so that I can make sure that I am choosing my path?
I want to read good books. Not only read them, but study and gain wisdom from them.
I want to enjoy my children now. I want be the best wife I can be for Jason.
I want to be aware of every thing that is coming into my home and everything that is coming into my body and to choose wisely. I want to be aware of my impact on the earth and try to tread lightly.
I want to think about the dollars I am spending. Am I being enriched, am I making my life better (or worse) by how I am choosing to spend my money?
I want to always act before I allow myself to be acted upon.
I, like Thoreau, want "to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."
Sometimes I equate simplicity with ease. But I don't think I'm meant to live an easy life. I need to simplify in order to focus on what's most important to me and then invest my energy accordingly.
5 days ago
How wonderful to hear of your goals and how inspiring they are!
I love reading about your adventures. I was lurking around Sarah's blog and decided to come visit yours too. I think your family will look back and have loved their chilhood. What a gentle way to raise a family.
I need to read this book. Can't wait to talk with you after I do! Loved your thoughts. (and I must say, was so happy to hear that you had take out pizza. thanks for sharing that! :) )
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